Relation of Fundem with other entities


Associació de Propietaris Forestals Tinença-Ports

The association aims at bringing together the forest ownersof agroforestry farms within the territorial scope of the association, in order to share the interests of forest property.

Member since May 2016.

Association of Foundations for the Conservation of Nature (AFN)

The AFN was born from the need to defend the specificity of privately-based conservation foundations, encouraging their members to network to share experiences, and to have a unified representation before public administrations and other operators.

Member since March 2016.

Europe Plant

Planta Europa is the most prestigious organization in Europe for flora conservation. It is made up of very diverse partners, ranging from local governments to non-profit associations

Member since November 2007.


Avinença is the an association that has taken an interesting initiative in our territory. It is a Valencian association for the custody and responsible management of the territory. Their objective, and ours as partners, is to achieve voluntary agreements with private owners to manage and protect the territory.

Member since June 2007.

Spanish Association of Foundations

The Association, declared of public utility, already groups more than 750 Spanish foundations, from all areas of activity and dimensionson the local, regional and national level. It has three essential objectives:

Represent and defend the interests of the founding sector before the public administrations and society.

Provide services to associated foundations that facilitate their management and fulfillment of their purposes.

Articulate and strengthen foundations promoting mutual knowledge, collaboration, synergies and networking.

Member since March 2005.

International National Trust Organisation

Network of entities worldwide for the promotion of the conservation and improvement of cultural and natural heritage. Linked to the English National Trust.

Member since November of 2019

Valencian Orquidiófilos Association (OVAL)

Dedicated to the promotion of knowledge related to native, exotic or naturalized orchids, and especially in the conservation of native orchids

Member since 2018

Mediterranean Garden Society (MGS)

International association founded in Greece with members from 38 countries dedicated to the promotion of plants and gardens in regions with a Mediterranean climate

Member since 2016


The Foundation has signed several collaboration agreements with the following public entities:

  • Conselleria of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development (Valencian Community Goverment):
  • Development of activities related to the conservation of nature and the agro-natural environment in any of its aspects: research, education, conservation, etc. Date: October 19, 1998.
  • Use of the l´Albarda Garden which is located in the territorial area of ​​the Montgó Natural Resources Management Plan. Date: February 12, 2019.
  • University of Valencia (General Study), through the Botanic Garden:
  • Actions aimed at the objectives of nature conservation and environmental protection. Date: February 12, 1999.
  • Pedreguer, Denia, Xàbia and Vall de Gallinera Townhalls :
  • Dissemination of the possibilities offered by the autochthonous Mediterranean flora, with the aim of encouraging people to apply these criteria when designing their gardens or repopulating natural spaces.

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