The Foundation

Name: Enrique Montoliu Foundation – FUNDEM

Legal status: Foundation, private non-profit entity.

Incorporation date: June 14, 1996.

Registry of foundations of the Valencian Community: nº 256-V.

The Enrique Montoliu Foundation is governed by its statutes, and its governing body is the Board of Trustees. It is subject to the Ministry of the Interior and Justice of the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Service of Legal Entities – Foundations Section, which assumes the functions attributed to it by article 68 of the Law of the Consell on foundations, among others.


The Enrique Montoliu Foundation -FUNDEM- is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Mediterranean fauna and flora created in 1996.

The Foundation does not adhere to any political or religious ideology, nor serves other purposes than those expressed in its Statutes, without this implying any waiver of the participation that corresponds to it in public life, as an entity that develops activities of general interest.

Its main lines of action are three, and all of them aim to conserve our natural environment in a sustainable way, as well as to sensitize and involve citizens in the conservation of natural heritage:

1.- The dissemination and promotion of the use in gardening of native species with special interest from an ecological and nature conservation point of view.

2.-  The responsible management of the territory through the purchase and custody of land of high ecological interest for its integral conservation. Since 2008, with the donations from the partner-collaborators established in annual fees, Fundem has acquired land that is not protected but that has, however, high natural and landscape value.

3.- The promotion of donations of large gardens and their architectural heritage that, due to their artistic or historical value, deserve to be preserved and that constitute an important tourist and cultural attraction in our country for the people’s enjoyment.

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