
1.- The ID number must correspond to the registered member, and is required to present to the Tax Office the Model 182 “Information statement of donations, donations and contributions received”, in relation to the donations received by Fundem in the previous year. Every year, FUNDEM communicates to its members the possibility of issuing a certificate accrediting the donation made in the previous annuity.

2.- NATURAL PERSONS. Declaration of the IRPF: such donation may entitle, within the established legal limits, to the deduction of 25% of the amount contributed as provided for in Article 19.1 of Law 49/2002 of 23 December and in the case of residing in the Valencian Community, the autonomous deduction of 20% of the amount contributed, provided for in Article 4 of Law 13/1997 of 23 December regulating the autonomous section of the Law on Personal Income Tax and other taxes transferred, in the wording given by Article 32 of Law 11/2002 of 23 December, on fiscal, administrative and financial management and organisational measures of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV 31/12/02 – BOE 04/02/03)..

3.- LEGAL PERSONS. Corporate Tax Return: such donation may give right, within the established legal limits, to the deductions provided for in Articles 19 – 20 of Law 49/2002 of 23 December

4.- DATA PROTECTION. In accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, personal data will be included in our database for the sole purpose of submitting information on the activities carried out and the documentation originated by the status of partner-collaborator and, therefore, will not be provided to other persons or entities outside.

5.- The Tax Office shall be informed of the personal data required in the information declarations to which the entity is obliged on the basis of contributions or donations received. The partners-collaborators will have the right to access the information that concerns them collected in our databases, rectify it or cancel it, by contacting FUNDEM (Enrique Montoliu Foundation) for this purpose

6.- In the following years Fundem will debit the account of the holder the amount of the selected quota. If a change of account is appropriate, you leave as partner, etc., the holder must inform this entity.

7.- The financial donation will be destined exclusively to the purchase of land for its integral conservation. Under no circumstances will it be used to finance the structure of Fundem.

You are donating to : Fundem

How much would you like to donate?
15€ 50€ 100€
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
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