L’Albarda Garden

FUNDEM has a demonstration garden in the municipality of Pedreguer, Alicante: the Mediterranean Garden of l’Albarda, created in 1990.


With an area of 50,000 m2, the garden of L’Albarda has more than 700 species of native plants, some of them endemic. A garden that shows the great diversity of our flora, which stands out for its beauty in each of the seasons, and which is managed with the strictest sustainability criteria.

It is a reference model in the world of Mediterranean gardening with regard to the implementation or restoration of gardens, whether public or private, in order to preserve our landscape.

In addition to its great botanical biodiversity, l’Albarda recreates the image of the old Valencian Renaissance gardens, influenced by the Arab culture. These characteristics brought recognition to the garden from the Universitat Politècnica de València and it was awarded with the Magister Award for Landscaping in 2002.

L’Albarda Garden is located in Pedreguer (Alicante-Spain) close to Javea and Denia. The address is: Urbanización La Sella, C/ Baix Vinalopó, nº 8.

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