Redondilla Lagoon

FUNDEM have joined  this project with The Global Nature Foundation (FGN) to protect  a space of high ecological value such as Redondilla Lagoon, located in Villafranca de los Caballeros, Toledo (Castilla La Mancha). 

FUNDEM has acquired 3.5 hectares and the FGN will be responsible for carrying out surveillance, conservation and restoration of this space through a custody agreement.

The municipality of Villacañas has a Lagunar Complex consisting of several wetlands and La Redondilla is one of them. It is within the 11,529 hectares designated Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) which, in addition, are declared by the European Union (EU) as a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA).

It is, in particular, a wintering area, passing or breeding for many birds threatened with extinction: malvasías, pagazas, lesser kestrel, canastera, among others. But its great value is determined by the saline soils that surround the lagoons where priority plant formations grow according to the EU, with species of the genus Limonium, or the Lepidium cardamines.

This lagoon complex in which La Redondilla is located is used by a large number of birds, both as a migratory passage and in its breeding or wintering period. Due to the threat that weighs on the species, it stands out the colony of piconegras payments (Geochelidon nilotica) that, under normal conditions, only make use of the lagoon to feed.

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