Sierra de Espadan

After the merger by absorption of the Serra d’Espadá Foundation, carried out by deed dated 23 June 2016 (registered in the Registry of Foundations of the C.V. on 11 November 2016), Fundem has more than 100 hectares located mostly within the Sierra de Espadán Natural Park, specifically in the municipalities of Eslida, Artana and Fondeguilla.


The majority plant formation in the plots under management can be classified as mixed cork oak forest (Quercus suber), where the rodeno pine (Pinus pinaster) is the second most important species.

Cadastral data:

Sierra de Espadán. Castellón 
Escritura de Fusión por absorciñon de la Fundación Serra Espadà23/6/2016
FondeguillaArea: 302.096
EslidaAera: 334.738
ArtanaArea: 379.527

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