Noticias Fundem

Eventos, conciertos, viajes y mucho más

Autumn Concert

Date: Saturday, 26th SEPTEMBER
Start time: 11am.
Donation: 15 Euros.
Fundem Members: 12 Euros

Tickets can be purchased by any of the following means:
– Advanced sale of tickets through the Internet: Buy tickets
– Advanced sale of tickets through the usual points of sale (see bellow).
– Ticket sale at box office the day of the concert from 10 am. (subject to availability). Also, you can book the tickets by email: or WhatsApp 696 975 290. The booking can be made until Friday 25th at 1 p.m. In any case, we recommend the advanced sale of tickets, either points of sale or by the Internet for a better event organization. You can collect and pay for your tickets at the Albarda Garden, from 10 a.m.Ticket sales points:

– Fundem. Jardín de l’Albarda. Pedreguer. C/ Baix Vinalopó, 8 – Urb. La Sella. Pedreguer -lunes a domingo: 10h a 14h
– Casa de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Pedreguer. Glorieta de la Creu, 14 – lunes a viernes: 10h a 14h
– Costa Blanca Nachrichten, CBN-Benissa. Avda. País Valencià, 1 – lunes a viernes: 09:00 h a 17:00 h
– Librería Publics. Dénia. C/ Patricio Ferrándiz, nº 16 – lunes a domingo: 08h a 21:30 h
Pro Akustik. Dénia. Avda. Joan Fuster 28 C – lunes a viernes: 09:30 h a 13:30 h
Replanell Av. de la Mar, 36, 03709 La Xara, Alicante
– Jardín Sostenible Crta. De Gata, 64; Jávea – lunes a sábado 8:30–17:30
SERVIDEN- Residencia  LA SELLA c/ de la Safor, s/n (zona de comerciales) Telf: 965761274 – lunes, miércoles y sábados de 10h a 13h – martes, jueves y viernes 9:30 a 13:30 y de 16:30 a 19hObservation: to convey to all those interested in this kind of events.

You are donating to : Fundem

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15€ 50€ 100€
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