Noticias Fundem

Eventos, conciertos, viajes y mucho más


After a long period without concerts in the Garden, where organizing any activity has become a challenge, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our first concert of the year, the Spring Concert, which will take place on Sunday, April 25, 2021 We want to celebrate the beginning of this beautiful time of the year with an unforgettable morning full of good music in an unbeatable enviroment:

Date: Sunday, 25 April
Start time: 11am.
Donation: 15 Euros. Fundem members: 12 Euros

Tickets can be purchased by any of the following means:
– Advanced sale of tickets through the InternetBuy tickets
– Advanced sale of tickets through the usual points of sale (see bellow).
– Tickect sale at box office the day of the concert from 10:00 a.m. (subject to availability).

Also, you can book the tickets by email: or WhatsApp 696 975 290. The booking can be made until Friday 23th at 1 p.m. In any case, we recommend the advanced sale of tickets, either points of sale or by the Internet for a better event organization. You can collect and pay for your tickets at the Albarda Garden, from 10 a.m.

Ticket sales points. Show your membership card.

– Fundem. Jardín de l’Albarda. Pedreguer. C/ Baix Vinalopó, 8 – Urb. La Sella. Pedreguer -lunes a domingo: 10h a 14h
– Casa de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Pedreguer. Glorieta de la Creu, 14 – lunes a viernes: 10h a 14h
– Costa Blanca Nachrichten, CBN-Benissa. Avda. País Valencià, 1 – lunes a viernes: 09:00 h a 17:00 h
– Librería Publics. Dénia. C/ Patricio Ferrándiz, nº 16 – lunes a domingo: 08h a 21:30 h
Pro Akustik. Dénia. Avda. Joan Fuster 28 C – lunes a viernes: 09:30 h a 13:30 h
Amazing Restaurant. Denia Av. de la Mar, 36, 03709 La Xara, Alicante
– Jardín Sostenible Crta. De Gata, 64; Jávea – lunes a sábado 8:30–17:30
SERVIDEN- Residencia  LA SELLA c/ de la Safor, s/n (zona de comerciales) Telf: 965761274 – lunes, miércoles y sábados de 10h a 13h – martes, jueves y viernes 9:30 a 13:30 y de 16:30 a 19hObservation: to convey to all those interested in this kind of events.
It will be mandatory to wear a mask and maintain a safety distance.

You are donating to : Fundem

How much would you like to donate?
15€ 50€ 100€
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