The Casella – Alzira

The plot is located on a slope of the Casella Valley, located between the mountains of Murta, Cavall and Les Agulles. This valley is characterized by its spectacular mountainous reliefs where peaks alternate with remote highlands. In addition to its attractive landscapes, with stunning views of the coast and the interior, there are numerous fountains and the deer reserve, with more than a dozen specimens.

In order to expand the protected natural spaces, Fundem has taken into account the proximity with another protected space: the Natural Park “La Murta y la Casella”, declared in 2004 and with a total area of 765,64 hectares, located to the southeast of the municipality of Alzira.

The declaration of Natural Park was a historical claim of the citizens of Alzira, which has always felt very related to this space, considered as an area of high environmental interest, with natural, landscape and cultural values which give rise to current and future educational and recreational potential, which makes it worthy of protection and conservation.

The spot is one of the emblematic locations of the Valencian geography, especially with regard to its flora. It enjoys a very favorable microclimate, with mild temperatures and a high degree of humidity. Its high landscape value is evident in its steep mountain ranges that flank fertile valleys, as well as in its intense karstification, which gives rise to the presence of numerous chasms and caves, configuring a landscape of great beauty that contrasts with the coastal plain and the valley of the river Xúquer.

The fauna diversity of the place has been increased in recent years, as the density of vegetation increases in the more than 750 hectares of area that the natural space has. An important fact is that the spot is part of the enviroment of the SCI “Serra de Corbera” and contributes to this with its high natural values, which are mainly focused on botanical diversity, since they reach about 1000 species of phanerogams that have been described in its enviroment.

Cadastral data:

Partida:F. Escritura:Valor €SuperficiePol:Parcela:Referencia Catastral
La Casella18/06/201316.000 €33.153 m25554146017A055005410000IU


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