Become a member
If you want to collaborate with Fundem, do not hesitate to contact us at fundem@fundem.org or by phone 96 352 30 99 or WhatsApp 696 975 290.
If you want to become a member, download, fill in the form and send it by email:
Or complete the following form on the Jardin de la Albarda website

The Foundation
The Enrique Montoliu Foundation – FUNDEM – is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Mediterranean fauna and flora created in 1996.

Mediterranean Gardening
Dissemination and promotion of the use in gardens of native species with special ecological interest along with the conservation of nature.
Fundem has a a 50,000 m2 demonstration garden located in Pedreguer, Alicante: the Mediterranean garden of l’Albarda. It is a garden of native species that shows the great diversity of our flora, which stands out for its beauty in each of the seasons, and which is managed with the strictest sustainability criteria.
An example to follow in the implementation or restoration of gardens, whether public or private, if we want to preserve the great biodiversity of our community, as well as contribute to curbing climate change at a global level.

Responsable Management of the Territory
Purchase and custody of land of high ecological interest for its integral conservation.
With the donations of collaborators established in annual fees, Fundem has acquired unprotected lands with a high natural and landscape value.
Green Custody
In Spain, conservation management is basically public, but more and more private entities guarding the conservation of the territory are emerging. FUNDEM purchases lands in different habitats and grants their custody to environmental groups and collaborators.