Ulloa (Lugo)


Eucalyptus plantation: This is a 1,408 m² plantation of young eucalyptus, specifically about 6 years old. The minimum economic output given by eucalyptus trees is usually between 12 and 15 years of age. This is when the owners usually cut them down to make a new plantation.

However, Quercus Sonora will proceed to immediately eliminate the eucalyptus trees, respecting the few species of oak and chestnut that have managed to survive between the plantation. Once the eucalyptus trees have been removed, the land will be ecologically restored to become a native forest. To this purpose, a diversity of native species very important for the forest fauna will be planted, such as oaks (Quercus robur), chestnuts (Castanea sativa), birches (Betula alba), ashes (Fraxinus excelsior), holly (Ilex aquifoilum), maples (Acer pseudoplatanus), wild pear trees (Pyrus cordata), willows (Salix atrocinerea), laurels (Laurus nobilis), hazelnut trees (Corylus avellana) and cherry trees (Prunus avium).

Except for the presence of these eucalyptus trees, it is a relatively well preserved area with an abundance of native forest. For this reason, eliminating these exotic specimens and reforesting with native species is of vital importance, not only on an environmental level, but also due to its impact on the landscape.

Moreover, the plot has a fountain that flows almost all year round. The eucalyptus trees have slowly but surely begun to drain both the fountain and the adjacent meadows. The restoration of the native forest will reverse this situation.

“REDONDELO” PROPERTY, MEADOWS: these are two small meadows of 7120 m² attached to the eucalyptus tree. The meadows are of vital importance for the biodiversity of the northwest of the peninsula, but as it is an area with an abundance of pastures and a scarcity of forest, we are going to reforest them with the main native species.

To this purpose, a diversity of native species very important for the forest fauna will be planted, such as oaks (Quercus robur), chestnuts (Castanea sativa), birches (Betula alba), ashes (Fraxinus excelsior), holly (Ilex aquifoilum), maples (Acer pseudoplatanus), wild pear trees (Pyrus cordata), willows (Salix atrocinerea), laurels (Laurus nobilis), hazelnut trees (Corylus avellana) and cherry trees (Prunus avium).

Another reason for doing so is the creation of a forest corridor linking two densely wooded areas. The area will be able to continue enjoying the mosaic of the landscape and will benefit from the temperature regulation and CO2 capture that this new forest will provide.

These farms also contain a small “souto” of ripe chestnuts, which provide abundant chestnut production in autumn and will be used for sustainable purposes. Also, there is a water spring that will be cleaned so that water can flow through it again. Finally, on one of these farms there is a badger hole, a badger burrow that is active and in use. The conservation of this burrow and the lack of bother to the badger family living there will be a priority.

“CHOUSA DO CARBALLO” PROPERTY, OAK WOOD: This small oak forest of 1600 m², is adjacent to farms owned by Quercus Sonora. It is a relatively mature oak forest in excellent conditions In this case, no action will be taken at a biological level, as the purpose of the custody of this property is the conservation of the mature native forest.

However, as with all purchased properties, the harmful barbed wire that marks the borders of the properties will be removed. Countless birds and mammals die every year in Galicia because of these cruel traps.

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